FW: The worst abuse e-mail ever, sverige.net

Lars-Johan Liman liman at autonomica.se
Thu Sep 23 09:09:57 UTC 2004

jcurran at mail.com:
> You block port 25 until a customer says that they're claim to have
> setup a responsible mail submission agent and demonstrate the
> necessary clue density.

Then in all fairness block also port 80. A comparable amount of junk
is sent using port 80.

> This can be readily determined by having customer support mail
> a short form with relevant questions such as "Is your mail server
> RFC2505 compliant?", "Please list the mechanism used to secure
> mail submission to your server?", and "Are you prepared to handle
> SPAM reports for all email originated or relayed?"   No problem for
> someone who knows what they're doing but enough to deter the
> random end user.

Ditto  | sed  -e 's/25/80/' -e 's/SMTP/HTTP/' -e 's/MIME/HTML/'



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