who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

Owen DeLong owen at delong.com
Mon Nov 29 18:36:36 UTC 2004

ifconfig le0:1 <newaddr> netmask <newmask>

YMMV depending on your operating system.


--On Monday, November 29, 2004 1:28 PM -0500 Joe Abley <jabley at isc.org> 

> On 29 Nov 2004, at 10:58, Andre Oppermann wrote:
>> You can solve the renumber thingie by having all TCP connecting to/from
>> an official IP on the loopback interface.  Then the routing code could
>> do its work and route the packets through some some other or renumbered
>> interface.
> So how do you renumber the loopback interface?

If it wasn't crypto-signed, it probably didn't come from me.
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