who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

bmanning at vacation.karoshi.com bmanning at vacation.karoshi.com
Mon Nov 22 18:36:12 UTC 2004

> No connectivity to the internet? -> use ULA, quick, easy, cheap.

	ULA leaves a bad taste for a number of reasons, some of which
	have seen some discussion.  What has not occured, and seems to 
	be a major tenent of the ULA zelots, is how conflict resolution
	is to be done.  

	if ULA is sufficent, in and of itself, then why do we need to 
	have all the rest of the 128bits of space?

	if ULA users ever have a conflict (and yes, they will) how will
	the conflict be resolved?  

	and then there is the nasty delusion of "Internet"...  protestations
	to the contrary, the VSNL view of the "Internet" is vastly different
	than the US DOD view of the "Internet", is vastly different than the
	GE view, is different than the AS 701 view, is different than the 
	Chinese R&E Network (CERN) view....  which one(s) count?  Policy
	routing dictates that there is no such thing as a "global" routing
	For me, as long as I have IP reachability to those folks whom I want
	or need to talk to, I could care less about the "rest" of the folks
	using IP to move datagrams about ... 

> Greets,
>  Jeroen

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