who gets a /32 [Re: IPV6 renumbering painless?]

Niels Bakker niels=nanog at bakker.net
Fri Nov 19 09:13:47 UTC 2004

> Thus spake "Paul Vixie" <paul at vix.com>
>> if arin's allocation policy for ipv6 does not take account of
>> multihomed non-allocating enterprises then either that policy will
>> change, or the internet exchange point business model will be dead.

* stephen at sprunk.org (Stephen Sprunk) [Fri 19 Nov 2004, 05:44 CET]:
> I don't understand why exchanges would suffer; the real threat is that 
> enterprises simply won't use IPv6 until IPv4 space is completely 
> exhausted -- and perhaps even after it is.

Making it hard to multihome by not providing assignments to companies
that used to be able to get such will decrease the usefulness of
exchange points for those.

Of course, nothing stops them from announcing their /48's PA assignments
but the risk of those getting filtered by "real" ISPs is very real.

It seems the lack of PI increases the amount of "have-nots" in an IPv6
world compared to IPv4.

	-- Niels.

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