I am new to the list and have some questions about Black Holes

Charles Cala charles_cala at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 12 18:37:51 UTC 2004

Here are some links about black holes..

The interesting thing about black holes is that nothing 
“should”  come out of them, (according to Steven Hawking) 
but he (hawking) later revised his theory saying something DOES 
make it out of the black hole, information.

This I believe is where management gets their ideas from,  
some place where random bits of the universe got tossed, 
everybody thought that those things were gone  
for good, but no…  little bits of them  leaked out.


or perhaps you  want to  get info on BGP black holes


if I  go to  http://www.merit.edu/mail.archives/nanog/
and enter    _  black   hole  _    in the little search window, I get 
hundreds of results, if I use  _  blackhole  _  I get  over  a thousand


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