IPv6/IPv6 threat Comparison Paper available for review

Darrin Miller darrimil at cisco.com
Tue May 11 01:13:11 UTC 2004

Hello all,

Sean Convery and I have done a paper comparing IPv6 and IPv4 security 
threats.  We will be presenting an overview of the paper at the NANOG 
meeting at the end of the month.  We wrote this paper from and 
enterprise edge perspective, but are looking to potentially expand it's 
scope to service provider networks as well.  In advance of that meeting 
Sean and I wanted to provide the URL for the paper and ask for comments 
on the paper and also potential areas of expansion.  Thanks.


P.S. - It should be noted that this paper was completed in January and 
needs to be updated with some information from the latest IPv6 
developments (site local deprecated, etc.)

Darrin Miller
Cisco Systems, Inc.
dmiller at cisco.com
(614) 718-2708

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