Attn MCI/UUNet - Massive abuse from your network

Ben Browning benb at
Tue Jun 29 16:56:23 UTC 2004

Steve Linford wrote:
> The statement by Ben Browning: "I know several businesses who have,
> and a great many people who have blocked UUNet space from sending
> them email ... by using ... the SBL" is false, the SBL has never
> blocked UUNet/MCI IP space that wasn't directly in the control of
> spammers. If Mr Browning does indeed know "several businesses and a
> great many people" whose UUNet/MCI IP space has been blocked by the
> SBL, then Mr Browning knows several spam outfits and a great many
> spammers.

Let me rephrase: I know several businesses and a great many people who
block *parts* of UUNet by the SBL and *larger* parts of it by means of 
SPEWS,, et al.

Regardless, the SBL does block *some* UUNet space, much of 
which(according to responses here) no longer belongs to the spammers.

Sorry for any confusion my poor choice of words may have caused.

    Ben Browning <benb at>
       The River Internet Access Co.
          WA Operations Manager

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