E-Mail Snooping Ruled Permissible

james edwards hackerwacker at cybermesa.com
Thu Jul 1 21:09:08 UTC 2004

> Can someone point out, please, that CPUs have kilometers of 'wires', ram
> have 'wires', and if anybody does any copying of data, its on the WIRES
> of the motherboard (or whatever applies) 'data (WIRE) BUS' ?  :)

You should read the entire courts desicion, this issue is addressed. The
Wire Tap
Act is very specific on what the "wire" is and also the Act was written
decades ago, prior
to PC's being everywhere.

James H. Edwards
Routing and Security
At the Santa Fe Office: Internet at Cyber Mesa
jamesh at cybermesa.com
noc at cybermesa.com
(505) 795-7101

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