Upcoming change to SOA values in .com and .net zones

Ian Mason nanog at ian.co.uk
Thu Jan 8 00:01:23 UTC 2004

At Wed, 7 Jan 2004 17:46:23 -0500, Matt Larson wrote:

>VeriSign Naming and Directory Services will change the serial number
>format and "minimum" value in the .com and .net zones' SOA records on
>or shortly after 9 February 2004.


>   But because these
>zones are widely used and closely watched, we want to let the Internet
>community know about the changes in advance.

Matt, was it not possible for Verisign to give more than 30 hours notice of 
these changes? This is an Internet-wide change that will very likely break 
some systems somewhere. Surely more notice would have been reasonable.

The notice actually given is so short as to be almost worthless. It might 
have raised Verisign's moral stock around here if more notice had been 
given, or even some consultation issued. As it is, Verisign seem to have 
moved in a way that, yet again, is likely to convince the community of 
Verisign's apparent arrogance and contempt towards the rest of us. Sad.

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