Mega DOS tomorrow?

Jared Mauch jared at
Wed Aug 25 19:10:00 UTC 2004

On Wed, Aug 25, 2004 at 02:59:51PM -0400, Deepak Jain wrote:
> >The ISC would like to go out on a limb and predict that the Internet will
> >not vaporize into a cloud of nothingness this Thursday, but if it does,
> >it's been our pleasure to help stave off its inevitable annihilation this
> >long.
> >--
> I didn't want to be the first to bring it up today, but what I _love_ 
> about the MOSNEWS link quoting "Kaspersky" is how the "internet" network 
> of South Korea going down last week was used as an example how the 
> "whole" internet could be brought down.
> I'm sorry if SK's network went down [I don't know, didn't hear about 
> it]. I have a problem believing it is a useful case study in the global 
> network.

	Considering the dependence upon the internet in South Korea,
and the well connected nature, it's worthwhile to watch what happens there
for possible future trends here.  It's not unusual for at least the
US Domestic market to be behind Asia in a lot of ways..

	I suspect the South Korea issue that was spoken of was
really about what happened in Korea during the ms-sql/slammer
event where it caused a lot of things to stop working due to
dependence upon networking.

	if ms-sql slammer happened again this week, it would still
be a big deal.. i'd have to say, what have you done since then
to prepare yourselves for a large distributed source/dest attack
(which is what it actually looked like).

	- jared

Jared Mauch  | pgp key available via finger from jared at
clue++;      |  My statements are only mine.

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