What *are* they smoking?

Tomas Lund tlund at swip.net
Tue Sep 16 01:16:25 UTC 2003

On Tue, 16 Sep 2003, Johnny Eriksson wrote:

> idea for next virus: after reproducing itself, construct a random domain
> name ending in .net and ddos it at a low rate for a day or so.  if the
> faked up domain is someones real one, you get a small number of packets
> to that domain.  if a large number of domains resolve to the same ip,
> well, too bad for that ip...
> that might even be a virus a lot of people want to run.

while [ - ] ; do lynx -dump http://$RANDOM.THIS-QUERY-SHOULD-RETURN-NXDOMAIN.NET > /dev/null ; done


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