IANA reserved Address Space

bmanning at karoshi.com bmanning at karoshi.com
Fri May 30 12:07:56 UTC 2003

networks 1 and 100 are reserved for future delegation.
network 10 is delegated for private networks, such as your

if you use networks 1 and 100, you are hijacking these

that said, as long as your lab is never going to connect
to the Internet,  you may want to consider using the following

> I'm tasked with coming up with an IP plan for an very large lab
> network. I want to maximize route table manageability and
> router/firewall log readability. I was thinking of building this
> lab with the following address space:
> /8
> /8
> /8
> I need 3 distinct zones which is why I wanted to separate
> them out. In any case, I was wondering about the
> status of the 1 /8 and the 100 /8 networks. What does
> it mean that they are IANA reserved? Reserved for what?
> http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv4-address-space
> Anyone else ever use IANA reserved address spacing for
> lab networks? Is there anything special I need to know?
> I'm under the impression that as long as I stay away
> from special use address space, I've got no worries.
> http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3330.txt
> Thanks,
> BM

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