923Mbits/s across the ocean

Douglas F. Calvert douglist at anize.org
Mon Mar 10 13:10:12 UTC 2003

On Sat, 2003-03-08 at 15:58, alex at yuriev.com wrote:
> That's the argument that pentagon used to justify buying $40 lightbulbs. 
> Does not work, sorry.

That is not the argument used to justify buying 40 lightbulbs. They do
not actually purchase 40 lightbulbs, the prices that you see in rag
magazine reports has to do with how the budgets are handled. If you can
budget a multi-billion dollar organization and put in reasonable price
and performance controls there are many schools that would hire you
after you revolutionized public administration and the DoD...

Douglas F. Calvert <douglist at anize.org>

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