scripts to map IP to AS?

Simon Lyall simon.lyall at
Thu Feb 20 21:15:33 UTC 2003

On Thu, 20 Feb 2003, William Allen Simpson wrote:
> Anybody have a pointer to scripts to map IP to AS?

This little script works fairly well. Just feed it a file with the each
network on a seperate line. Obviously don't overload the route servers by
running it too often.

Simon Lyall.                |  Newsmaster  | Work: simon.lyall at
Senior Network/System Admin |  Postmaster  | Home: simon at
Ihug Ltd, Auckland, NZ      | Asst Doorman | Web:

#!/usr/bin/perl -U

$host = "" ;

use IO::Socket;
@length = <FILE>;

# Open connection

$remote = IO::Socket::INET->new(
	Proto => "tcp",
	PeerAddr => $host,
	PeerPort => 23,
	unless ($remote) { die "cannot connect to remote host $host" }

# send "sh ip bgp ip" for each ip

while($count<@length) {
	# set AS number to zero
	$asnum = 0;
	#print "$length[$count] \n";

	# Chop of the /24  /16 bit etc
	($network) = split(/\//, $length[$count]);
	print $remote "show ip bgp $network \n \n";
	while (defined ($line = <$remote> )) {
		# break when we have out first result
     		last if ( $line=~/localpref/ );
		last if ( $line=~/not in table/ );
		# Checked for Cerf's AS number
		# print "line is $line \n";
	        if ($line=~/17233/) {
			# Get rid of bogus stuff after a ","
			# print "$line \n";
			($line) = split(/,/, $line);
			# print "$line \n";
			# Grab last number in the list
			@Fld = split(' ', $line);
#	printf "$length[$count]\tAS$asnum.\n";
	printf "AS$asnum.\t$length[$count]\n";

	printf OUTPUT "AS$asnum.\t$length[$count]\n";

	sleep 5;
	$count++ ;
	# following clears any extra lines returned by the command.
	while ( defined ($line = <$remote> )) {
		last if ( $line=~/route-server/ );

# Close conenction.

close $remote;

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