Average Based Billing

Lynn Bashaw LBashaw at yipes.com
Wed Feb 5 21:34:32 UTC 2003


Thanks for your comments.  There were a couple of instances of an average
based billing scheme, but for the most part the comments did not indicate
this to be a wide-spread practice.

I was interested in the question due to a claim by a potential customer that
billing on their current transit links with some other carriers was based on
average utilization (specific definition undefined) rather than billing
based on a 95th percentile value of some set of samples.  I had not heard of
this trend and wanted make sure I wasn't missing anything.

Thanks again for the feedback and insight.


-----Original Message-----
From: Lynn Bashaw 
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 11:35 AM
To: 'nanog at merit.edu'

Does anyone on the list know of any ISPs that bill based on average
utilization, rather than some variation of 95th percentile? 


Lynn Bashaw 
Director, Network Engineering 
Yipes Enterprise Services 
2000 S. Colorado Blvd. 
Denver, CO 80222 

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