Port blocking last resort in fight against virus

Jack Bates jbates at brightok.net
Tue Aug 12 15:36:12 UTC 2003

Sean Donelan wrote:
> http://computerworld.co.nz/webhome.nsf/UNID/BEC6DE12EC6AE16ECC256D8000192BF7!opendocument
> "While some end users are calling for ISPs to block certain ports relating
> to the Microsoft exploit as reported yesterday (Feared RPC worm starts to
> spread), most ISPs are reluctant to do so."

Is it just me that feels that blocking a port which is known to be used 
to perform billions of scans is only proper? It takes time to contact, 
clean, or suspend an account that is infected. Allowing infected systems 
to continue to scan only causes problems for other networks. I see no 
network performance issues, but that doesn't mean other networks won't 
have issues.


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