Selfish routing

Mike Lloyd drmike at
Sun Apr 27 04:00:55 UTC 2003

Barney Wolff wrote:
> Er, nothing in the paper said anything at all about the performance of
> latency-influenced routing vs other, presumably dumber, schemes.  Other
> papers, maybe?  References?

Exactly my point.  He's compared "perfect" latency regulation to 
"selfish" latency regulation.  He doesn't offer a comparison of selfish 
regulation to conventional (lack of) regulation.  I've presented some 
numbers on the latter at a NANOG meeting before:
But much more of that, and I'll be judged to have transgressed the 
vendor taboo in these parts.

Other places to look include the Detour project from UWash and MIT's 
RON.  These generally involve "bank shots" off intermediate nodes, not 
making better selections at a single node or edge site.  I'm aware of 
one paper on the latter (not written by RouteScience), but it's under 
review, and hence not publishable, I'm afraid.


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