Overcoming IPv6 Security Threat

Daniel Golding dgolding at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 12 17:13:01 UTC 2002

This is scarcely the first time that a "reporter" has taken quotes from
NANOG and spliced them together into a news story. Analysts do it too. I
guess one of the weaknesses of this kind of forum is that the kooks (Jim
Fleming) come off looking as credible as those who have  a clue (like
Stephen Sprunk or Dave Israel in this case).

Now, please pardon me while I write "do not talk to reporters" on the
blackboard, 500 times.

- Daniel Golding

> Jeroen Massar Said..
> Joe Baptista wrote:
> > Thanks to everyone who helped out.
> But you didn't actually read now did you?
> Oh well you are a reporter nobody can blame you for doing work ;)
> But to pull some things straight:
> " IPv6, a suite of protocols for the network layer,
>  uses IPv4 gateways to interconnect IPv6 nodes and comes
>  prepackaged with some popular operating systems. "
> Cool, so *NATIVE* IPv6 doesn't exist?
> Many transitional techniques use intermediate IPv4 hops to
> connect IPv6 islands, that doesn't mean everything uses it.
> http://unfix.org/projects/ipv6/IPv6andIPv4.gif
> "IPv6 has suffered bad press over privacy issues.
>  Jim Fleming, the inventor of IPv8, a competing protocol,
>  sees many hazards and privacy flaws in existing IPv6 implementations."
> Competing? There is <yell>no such thing as Jim Flemings IPv8</yell>
> There is IPv8* but that is PIP (The P Internet Protocol) which is
> *NOT* the thing Mr. Fla^Heming is spamming about all the time.
> * = http://www.iana.org/assignments/version-numbers
> Maybe Mr. Fleming could write up a draft of his 'standard' sometime?
> I could start shouting that you are bad and that Man.v2 is much better
> now does that help anywhere?
> And one can easily change his/her local EUI so where's the problem
> there?
> One also mostly comes from the same /48 so where is the problem.
> "Another obstacle raised by NANOG operators is that there is currently
> no commercial demand for IPv6 at this time."
> Which is true in the .US and mostly true in europe, but in Asia there
> is demand and IPv6 is happening. And that America is lagging behind ah
> well ;)
> Next time when you ask things, use them in your articles...
> Greets,
>  Jeroen

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