Network integrity and non-random removal of nodes

William Waites ww at
Thu Nov 21 18:31:26 UTC 2002

>>> "Sean" == Sean Donelan <sean at> writes:

    Sean> On 20 Nov 2002, William Waites wrote:
    >> If you  randomly select nodes to  remove, by the  time you have
    >> removed 25% of  them, the network breaks up  into many isolated
    >> islands.

    Sean> One of the  key points was the nodes  were removed in ranked
    Sean> order, not in random order.

I stand corrected. 

It would be interesting to see what outdegree looks like as a function
of  rank --  in  the paper  they  give only  the  maximum and  average
(geo. mean) outdegrees. Is there also  a critical point 25% of the way
through  the ranking?  Probably not  or one  would expect  they'd have
mentioned it...

So then  the 12500  *biggest* routers have  to be disabled  before the
graph  breaks into  many islands.  This would  be yet  harder  from an
attacker's point of view, no?


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