Petri Helenius pete at
Sat Nov 16 12:19:32 UTC 2002

>>- While we're on the topic of local video, what happens when
>>television migrates to IP networks?  
>Why should it?  There's a cheap, ubiquitous, widely deployed broadcasting 
>medium already.  I never understood network integration for the sake of 
>network integration.
That medium only works for large audiences. It does not address 
large sparse audiences at all.

>In any case, TV (of all things) does not have problems with latency or
>jitter below 10s of seconds.  All TV content is pre-packaged.
Live events and interactive show's are not. In some cases you start to 
suffer if your
latency goes to multiple-seconds range. That's quite rare anyway, >500ms
network latency is quite rare and add few hundred codec and de-jitter 
latency and
you'll find that excessive jitter is your enemy, not the latency itself.


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