Fwd: [802.3ae] P802.3ae has been approved by Revcom

dave o'leary doleary at juniper.net
Wed Jun 12 21:36:30 UTC 2002

Just a quick follow-up message for my presentation at NANOG
yesterday.  The 10Gb Ethernet standard is ratified per below.


>Subject: [802.3ae] P802.3ae has been approved by Revcom
>Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2002 08:38:42 -0700
>From: "Jonathan Thatcher" <Jonathan.Thatcher at worldwidepackets.com>
>To: "HSSG Reflector (E-mail)" <stds-802-3-hssg at ieee.org>
>Cc: "802. 3 at Ieee. Org (E-mail)" <stds-802-3 at ieee.org>
>The note below says it all.
>My profound thanks to all who have participated and especially those that 
>have dedicated much of their life during the last three+ years to a rather 
>magnificent piece of work. I sincerely hope that you and your companies 
>will benefit greatly from this standard. Humanity at large certainly will.
>I could fill volumes with accolades. Instead, let me simply say two 
>things. I have been honored to have worked with such a great group; I 
>appreciate the raw intelligence; the mutual respect; the dignity; and the 
>integrity represented in our Task Force; I have never worked with, and 
>doubt I will ever again work with a better class of people.
>During the last 3 years, I have received a significant number of 
>compliments regarding my work as chair. I have attempted to graciously 
>accept these. But, I have always known, and attempted to make it clear, 
>that my effort was not and is not of primary consequence. The credit truly 
>belongs to you. This isn't some insincere attempt at humility. It is, 
>simply, the truth.
>Congratulations, Well Done,
>Jonathan Thatcher
>Soon-to-be IEEE P802.3ae X-Chair
>| -----Original Message-----
>| From: a.ortiz at ieee.org [mailto:a.ortiz at ieee.org]
>| Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2002 7:21 AM
>| To: Booth, Bradley
>| Cc: david_law at eur.3com.com; Jonathan Thatcher
>| Subject: RE: D4.2 ballot cycle...++CONGRATULATIONS++
>| Brad/Jonathan and David:
>| P802.3ae has been approved by Revcom
>| Regards,
>| Angela Ortiz
>| Program Manager - Technical Program Development
>| __________________________
>| IEEE Standards, 445 Hoes Lane,
>| Piscataway, NJ  08855-1331 USA
>| Telephone: 1732-562-3809  ><  Fax: 1732-562-1571
>| E-m:  a.ortiz at ieee.org   ><   www.standards.ieee.org

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