routing table size

Ralph Doncaster ralph at
Sat Jul 27 17:39:02 UTC 2002

> Off your network, your legal rights are pretty limited.  I (and I'm sure 
> lots of other admins) block at the /24 boundry.  Anything you announce 
> from /25 to /32 will be ignored on my network.  Some providers choose to 
> block according to RIR allocation sizes.  To me, that's not worth the 
> maintenance hassle.  To them, it may mean the difference between having to 
> upgrade or replace large numbers of routers last year or sometime in the 
> next few years.

I've never suggested accepting /25's thru /32's.  I'm wondering if the
people saying I should not de-aggregage my /20 actually practice what they
preach and filter /24's and don't globally announce /24's from their


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