HP Openview

John Kinsella jlk at thrashyour.com
Wed Jul 10 20:40:59 UTC 2002

Might want to take a peek at OpenNMS...http://www.opennms.org  I'm not
sure it'll be everything you dream of, but hey it's a hell of a lot


On Wed, Jul 10, 2002 at 04:34:26PM -0400, Eric Whitehill wrote:
> I am curious if anyone has been working with HP Openview as an NMS.  I've
> been looking at it (Specifically the service call portion) and so far,
> have not been impressed - I'm just not seeing the feature set I would
> expect.  Am I just being stubborn and not seeing the advantages of this?
> >From my understanding the full HP Openview is in beta, but I'm not sure.
> I've done some researching on HP's website, and I can't seem to really
> find any relevant data.  One of the large sticking points is I am trying
> to find a *nix based client, specifically one I can get working on
> Solaris, and so far, I'm having a difficut time tracking one down.
> Am I wasteing my time with HP Openview?  If you are using it, are you
> pleased?  Should I accept fate and life and eat chicken for supper
> tonight?
> Any advise and suggestions are welcomed.
> -Eric

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