Stop it with putting your e-mail body in my MUA OT

JC Dill nanog at
Wed Jul 10 16:18:43 UTC 2002

On 08:53 AM 7/10/02, Leo Bicknell wrote:

 >If people are throwing away MIME messages with a single "text/plain"
 >section then they are firmly in the wrong.  All of the "modern"
 >text and GUI mailers display this properly, inline, as a plain old
 >text message.

Per the recently posted stats for members of *this* list:

	Microsoft		38.71%
	Mozilla			11.41%
	Eudora			10.86%

I'm using a recent version of  the #3 mailer, which I would think qualifies 
as a "modern" GUI mailer.  It presents PGP-MIME messages as an attachment 
with a format it doesn't know how to read.  I'm no more interested in 
upgrading (or changing) my mailer to deal with *this* attachment type than 
I am in upgrading to deal with text/html attachments.

What part of "it is rude to expect all members of a large and diverse 
mailing list to accept and parse your particular attachment format" isn't 
perfectly clear?

Netiquette.  It's been around a looooong time.  You might try following it.


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