Valid ip address ?

Joe Provo joe.provo at
Mon Jul 1 15:34:18 UTC 2002

On Mon, Jul 01, 2002 at 07:53:32AM -0700, JothirLatha Jaganathan wrote:
> Can any one tell me if the last byte of a point to
> point or loopback ipaddress with 32 bit mask can be 0
> or 255?
> For e.g.:
> Is a valid interace address?

% host has address

Been up and running fine for the past 11 months, happy loopback 
in ISIS/iBGP/EBGP converstions. The largest hurdle was getting the
knuckle-draggers to not be confused or believe it an error.

I would have to ask why you would think it would NOT be valid? If
there is a vendor implementation that has probelems with it, that 
would be a bug, and I would consider it one for anyhting past 1994
vintage code.



Joe Provo                                            Voice  508.486.7471
Director, Internet Planning & Design                 Fax    508.229.2375
Network Deployment & Management, RCN                 <joe.provo at>

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