SlashDot: "Comcast Gunning for NAT Users"

Borchers, Mark mborchers at
Thu Jan 31 19:52:26 UTC 2002

> If the ISP sells "unlimited" access, then customers have 
> every right to use it without limit.

Indubitably.  But customers are not free to pick and choose
among which provisions of the service agreement they want to 
abide by.  If the ISP provides unlimited access but limits
the account to a single host, then that is the terms of service.
The problem, as has been noted, is enforcement.  
> If the ISP places restrictions on what access is allowed 
> and/or how long,
> then it is no longer an unlimited service, and it would be 
> fraud to market
> it as such.
> ISPs count on customers not using all of what is sold to 
> them; if they turn
> out to be wrong, that is a part of the risk they took.
> S

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