DC power versus AC power

David Lesher wb8foz at nrk.com
Mon Dec 30 02:19:57 UTC 2002

Unnamed Administration sources reported that Barney Wolff said:
> > I'm surprised you're still around after a sub battery accident.
> > They're a grade up from most CO's in available current, I'd bet.
> I'd bet the other way.  CO battery has to supply ring current, dial
> tone and voice current, not just run the switch itself, at least
> in the Copper Age.  I don't think -48VDC is an electrocution risk
> unless you're sweaty, but a vaporized wrench sure can burn you, and
> I don't think GFIs existed for DC.
> Anyway, nukes don't need the battery capacity of the old diesels.

<http://www.relocationspecialists.org/bat/cell.html> and

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