DNS entries for infrastructure equipment

jnull jnelson at jnull.rackspace.com
Wed Aug 21 19:40:57 UTC 2002

Dan Lockwood(dlockwood at shastalink.k12.ca.us)@2002.08.21 12:16:20 +0000:
> Does anyone have a resource that has recommendations about how to name
> interfaces in a DNS name space?  Is there a standard that is used?  TIA
> Dan Lockwood

I'm certain there are some good resources available, but f
m my experience, the most important thing is to work your convention to integrate with you exising or proposed management systems. If your managment system only works from a set domain (i.e. xyz.abc.net--abc being your company and xyz being a subsection) then that label xyz should only have dashes and not periods, otherwise they become a domain themselves.

So, it may depend on the size of your network:
primary device: r1.company.net
interface name: pos1-2-r1.company.net
----or		pos1-2.r1.company.net 
----or if you're there is need
primary device: r1.area-or-function.company.net
There may be some customization involved with using domain subsets, but using <insert lang> scripts you can parse at either "-" or "." do retrieve information. So, unless size demains creating subsections I would keep the whole name in the top label by using dashes.


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