Even the FCC isn't safe from backhoes

Matt Clauson mec at dotorg.org
Thu Oct 4 00:38:09 UTC 2001

On Wed, Oct 03, 2001 at 07:44:10PM -0400, Sean Donelan wrote:
> A backhoe digging near the FCC Portals building today, and
> managed to strike a large water main next to the building.
> Apparently it was quite a site with a Worldcom people, backhoe
> operator, and general public watching the river flow past
> the FCC front door.

You realize that backhoes will now be classified as terrorist weapons,
and will not be allowed within 30 miles of any infrastructure point.

Bury all that fiber is going to be a bitch.  But on the other hand,
maybe we'll have less network outages.


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