Mitch tries to defend his open relay again (was Re: ORBS (Re: Scanning))

Adam Rothschild asr at
Mon May 28 16:29:04 UTC 2001

On Mon, May 28, 2001 at 04:36:38AM -0400, Mitch Halmu wrote:
> The service is functional, usable, and able to deliver mail to those
> destinations your organization or the other overseas rival gang have
> no control over. Some users left because of the blockade. Others
> stayed, because they understand the reasoning posted at
> That *should* worry you. 

No, what worries me is that you realize you're running an open SMTP
relay for no real reason other than stubbornness, and outright refuse
to fix it, even though it's widely regarded as an irresponsible
operational practice.

Please quit whining and close it up already.  Thanks!


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