foreign upstarts dare to use their own languages [was: Re: black hat .cn networks]

Joe Abley jabley at
Wed May 9 19:59:35 UTC 2001

On Wed, May 09, 2001 at 11:29:23AM -0700, Scott Francis wrote:
> On Thu, May 10, 2001 at 12:26:00AM +0800, Adrian Chadd exclaimed:
> > The internet has a bunch of technical standards which we loosely
> > agree to. There's no law stating "thou shalt speak English if connected
> > via BGP4 to thy internet".
> And are _any_ of those technical standards written in a language other than
> English? Think about the acronyms we use in network-speak every day - how many
> of them stand for phrases in a language other than English?

Acronyms can be translated too. The termination point for my Bell Canada
ADSL service is labelled "ADSL/LNPA", for example.

I think what you meant to say was: "the English Acronyms I use when
speaking English only make sense in English!" :)

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