verizon paging modem numbers

Derek J. Balling dredd at
Tue Mar 27 18:02:29 UTC 2001

At 9:40 AM -0800 3/27/01, Mike Batchelor wrote:
>>  Does anyone using verizon paging service via digital celphone know the
>>  number for their modems to send pages.  Their sales people want use to
>>  use email, what's new, but as you know we need pages when the network is
>>  down, not up.
>What did they say when you told them their answer was inadequate?  What did
>they say when you told them if you didn't get a modem phone number, you were
>going to cancel your service because it is useless just when it is needed
>the most?

I've always found that to get to the TAP Cluons at any Pager/Cellular 
company, you need to immediately talk to a supervisor. They will at 
least have heard of TAP, or "commercial applications which deliver 
pages by dialing in via modem" (if they don't know TAP *G*) and can 
usually at least direct you to the right people.

Playing the "I dunno what YOU guys call it, but I've got to get these 
pagers entered into the company paging system with all the other 
pagers" card usually works wonders for me when trying to track down 
TAP Clue.

| dredd at  | "Conan! What is best in life?"          |
|  Derek J. Balling   | "To crush your enemies, see them        |
|                     |    driven before you, and to hear the   |
|                     |    lamentation of their women!"         |

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