EP.net Issues

Joe Provo joe.provo at rcn.com
Thu Mar 22 16:29:46 UTC 2001

On Wed, Mar 21, 2001 at 10:07:33PM +0000, bmanning at vacation.karoshi.com wrote:
> [John Fraizer]
> > Joe, a LOT of providers don't accept  We see it on 2 out of
> > four paths.  The other two providers are filtering it.
>  folks are encouraged to filter as they see fit. if folks would 
>  like to establish direct peering, please let me know.

It's often considered a Good Thing to not hear the networks of exchange
points from peers/others. A conservative approach is to filter out 
announcements of EPs to which you are actually connected rather than all
you can find; some folks just squash 198.32/16 and any other addresses
they can find.

It is worth noting that none of 198.32.2/24, 198.32.4/24 or 198.32/16 
have IRR entries; that might adversely affect reachability in defaultless
IRR-strict networks.



Joe Provo                                            Voice  508.486.7471
Director, Internet Planning & Design                 Fax    508.229.2375
Network Deployment & Management, RCN                 <joe.provo at rcn.com>

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