
Jeff Workman jworkman at pimpworks.org
Mon Mar 19 00:10:14 UTC 2001

How can I configure my router to gain this level of compression?


Stoned koala bears drooled eucalyptus spit in awe as Omachonu Ogali 

> missng at subtopia$ traceroute www.dsli.com
> traceroute: Warning: Multiple interfaces found; using @
> hme0:2 traceroute to www.dsli.com (, 30 hops max, 40 byte
> packets  1  nac-gw.colo1.psnynj.informationwave.net (  1.254
> ms  0.771 ms  0.626 ms  2 (  1.558 ms
> 1.752 ms  1.517 ms  3  global-crossing.transit.nac.net (
> 1.661 ms  2.550 ms  1.644 ms  4  s3-0-1-45M.br1.NYC2.gblx.net
> (  2.750 ms  3.759 ms  3.864 ms  5
> pos2-1-155M.cr2.NYC2.gblx.net (  3.274 ms  3.072 ms
> 4.230 ms  6  pos1-0-622M.cr1.ATL1.gblx.net (  23.473 ms
> 22.354 ms  22.223 ms  7  pos4-1-0-155M.br1.ATL1.gblx.net (
> 22.105 ms  22.887 ms  21.876 ms  8
> t3-1-0-3--0.pr1.Atlanta.GA.us.netrail.net (  24.902 ms
> 24.610 ms  25.988 ms  9  ge-2-1-0--0.tr1.Atlanta1.GA.us.netrail.net
> (  24.914 ms  27.209 ms  26.658 ms 10
> at-0-2-0--4.tr1.Miami2.FL.us.netrail.net (  53.625 ms
> 53.938 ms  54.092 ms 11  DSLICorp-10M.Miami2.FL.US.netrail.net
> (  60.638 ms  55.186 ms  66.316 ms 12  ACA80105.ipt.aol.com
> (  68.131 ms  57.195 ms  66.348 ms 13
> IWC-W21A.MIA.netrail.net (  61.419 ms  61.708 ms  61.906 ms
> 14  user.dsli10.com (  60.042 ms  59.769 ms  76.960 ms
> Umm...either NetRail is passing traffic through an AOL dialup with
> amazing compression and keeping latency down, or someone looked at
> 192.168 and 172.16 and decided to add a netblock to RFC1918 without
> letting anyone else know...
> --
> Omachonu Ogali
> missnglnk at informationwave.net
> http://www.informationwave.net

"...and the burnt fool's bandaged finger goes wobbling back to the
fire." -Joe Zeff in the SDM.

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