Broken Internet?

Adam Rothschild asr at
Fri Mar 16 19:22:52 UTC 2001

On Fri, Mar 16, 2001 at 02:34:35AM -0800, Roeland Meyer wrote:
> > DSL has always been a cheap, semi-reliable solution for people
> > that didn't want to pay the money for a dedicated circuit.

This, I agree with.

> DSL behaves like a dedicated circuit

Dedicated in what sense?  "Always up" nature?  Aggregation hierarchy /
topology?  Bandwidth, considering your provider might be _losing_
money with transit/ops/etc costs factored in, if you're using it al
full line rate 24x7?

> Additionally, you don't have to tune the link and it doesn't need to
> be hand-rebooted when the CSU/DSU drops (all the things they don't
> tell you about T1's).

What circuit-level fine tuning and rebooting do you speak of?  Is the
telco running Microsoft DACS Server(TM) in the CO? ;)

But yeah, putting all your eggs in one basket could make for a nice
single point of failure.  Or calculated risk.  Your call...


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