[NANOG] Re: new.net: yet another dns namespace overlay play

Shawn McMahon smcmahon at eiv.com
Thu Mar 8 22:35:42 UTC 2001

On Wed, Mar 07, 2001 at 07:38:37PM -0800, Vadim Antonov wrote:
> Even better, go to a real search engine and look for "CNN news US
> edition".  I'm wondering how people managed to find CNN on TV -- after
> all, CNN ads didn't feature local channel numbers :)

For those with few enough channels, they surf through them and eventually
remember it only if they watch it often enough.

For those with a lot of channels, they have a piece of cardboard that
lists them, and they look through it for a couple of minutes every time
until they eventually remember.

This works for 20 channels, or even 50.  It does not work for 30 million

On the other hand, if my TV let me type in "CNN" and it came back with
the right channel, that would scale beautifully as long as nobody else
was dumb enough to name their channel CNN.

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