address allocations

RJ Atkinson rja at
Mon Jun 25 14:32:48 UTC 2001

At 21:59 24/06/01, Fletcher E Kittredge wrote:
>On Sat, 23 Jun 2001 22:18:10 -0400  RJ Atkinson wrote:
>>       24.0/8 is the "cable block".  ARIN normally allocates residential
>> cable modem subnets out of this space.  Nearly all the cable operators
>> have one slice or another from this block.  Nearly all North American
>> cable modems users have address space in this block.  Cable modems
>> themselves are nearly always numbered in 10.0/8.
>Perhaps "a cable modem block"?  We tell ARIN we need networks for
>cable modems and have never gotten an allocation from this block.

        No, "The Cable Block" is correct parlance.  Jon Postel
himself designated it as such in the mid/late 90s.  It is the only
block that consists *entirely* of cable modem allocations.

        However, you must have been late to the party.  24/8 appears 
(not certain) to be fully allocated, so later allocations seem to be 
coming from other address blocks.


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