When will 128M not be enough?

Christopher A. Woodfield rekoil at semihuman.com
Sat Jul 14 13:47:00 UTC 2001

Is there any research out there that tries to estimate how long it will be 
before BGP routers with 128M of RAM start to choke on the routing table? I 
know there are a lot of factors - the number of BGP peers, how much "other 
stuff" the router is doing, etc. - I'm really looking for a ballpark 
estimate, if one exists. 

I'm trying to convince someone NOT to use a Cisco 2650 for BGP 
multihoming, and my argument will, IMO, be a bit more effective if 
I can say "you'll need to replace it within X months/years"...


Christopher A. Woodfield		rekoil at semihuman.com

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