SWIP update intervals (was: Re: Getting an AS and /18)

Christopher A. Woodfield rekoil at semihuman.com
Tue Jul 3 21:24:35 UTC 2001

A URL that I'm sure is real easy to get to if the network in question has 
just dropped off the face of the earth, or if you're getting DoS'ed from 


> Instead of keeping e-mail addresses in WHOIS, why not just keep a URL that
> (theoretically) has up-to-date contact information.  This would allow the
> organization to publish whatever e-mail addresses they wanted to, as well as
> solving the problem of spammers walking the db.  A web page should be just as
> easy (if not easier) to keep up to date than WHOIS data.
> --Adam

Christopher A. Woodfield		rekoil at semihuman.com

PGP Public Key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xB887618B

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