Vixie doing his part to make people upgrade (was:Re: Reasonswhy BIND isn't being upgraded)

Steve Sobol sjsobol at
Sat Feb 3 14:58:03 UTC 2001

Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:

> Especially considering adament stand on ORBS and their
> scanning.
> Massive irony?

Nah, I don't think so. RoadRunner's security czar has said repeatedly
said that RR scans its customers for security holes. I don't see a problem
with that either.

Scanning the networks you are responsible for is one thing. Scanning an 
outside network, and not stopping when asked to stop on top of that, is 
another thing altogether.

Steve Sobol, BOFH, President    888.480.4NET 866.DSL.EXPRESS 216.619.2NET
North Shore Technologies Corporation
JustTheNet/JustTheNet EXPRESS DSL (ISP Services)
mailto:sjsobol at   Proud resident of Cleveland, Ohio

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