Internet traffic analysis

Joel Baker lucifer at
Tue Aug 21 17:42:25 UTC 2001

On Mon, Aug 20, 2001 at 07:49:48PM -0400, Steven J. Sobol wrote:
> MSN uses at least two dialup wholesale outfits. Earthlink uses their own
> modem banks in California, IIRC, and probably also in Atlanta since they
> bought Mindspring, and outsources to at least two other companies in other
> cities.

Post-merger Earthlink uses a combination of outsourced modems and large
aggregation POPs for dense regions, depending (obviously) on the financial
layout for any given area.

This isn't NDA info; any customer can generally find out whether they're
dialing into one of the super-POPs or an outsource by looking at their
own reverse, and/or asking support where the number leads to.
Joel Baker                           System Administrator -
lucifer at    

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