geographical database of networks

Michael Dillon michael at
Thu Sep 23 19:55:17 UTC 1999

On Thu, 23 Sep 1999, Matt Hempel wrote:

> Has anyone ever attempted to create a geographical database of networks?
> In other words, zone the world into pertinent, well-known blocks and do a
> network->zone key->value pair.

Many groups have done this to various levels of granularity. Generally,
this database is proprietary although I do recall one fellow who was
selling his database at ISPCON in 1997. Uses include, maintaining
compliance with US laws regarding export of encryption software and
analyzing Squid logs in Australia to determine where an additional
expensive trans-oceanic circuit might be more cost effective than paying
Telstra 19 cents per megabyte for incoming traffic.

Since this database will be changing all the time, I would suggest that
you either build the tools to do this yourself so that you can maintain it
up to date, or find someone selling such data who will provide regular

Michael Dillon                 -               E-mail: michael at
Check the website for my Internet World articles -        

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