MCI/Worldcom fiber cut in NY?

Jake Khuon khuon at GCtr.Net
Sat Sep 18 04:51:26 UTC 1999

### On Fri, 17 Sep 1999 20:00:00 -0600, "Alec H. Peterson"
### <ahp at> casually decided to expound upon John Fraizer
### <John.Fraizer at EnterZone.Net> the following thoughts about "Re:
### MCI/Worldcom fiber cut in NY?":

AHP> John Fraizer wrote:
AHP> > 
AHP> > Bullet proof, YES.  Waterproof, Doubtful.
AHP> Sure you can, make it so that it's at least several hundred feet above sea
AHP> level, and not in a flood plain.

Or in a submarine... great way for the gov't to earn extra money by
converting its SSBNs.

Pros include:

	* High survivability even in the midst of tactical nuclear strikes
	* Totally indepedent power source that will last years without the
	  need to replenish fuel... DC power generally available
	* Heightened security... the facility is always at DEFCON 2
	* Excellent heat dissipation
	* 24x7 on-site NOC

Cons include:

	* Cramped quarters... routers must fit inside either 21" torpedo
	  tubes or SLBM silos
	* All equipment must comply with increased noise abatement rules
	* Access to the facility accomplished via helo or underwater
	  insertion through the diving trunk.
	* Potential for your equipment to be "accidently" ejected
	* Very slow low bandwidth circuit availability via ELF
	* On-site staff generally very grumpy after their 3 month "shift"

/*====================[ Jake Khuon <khuon at GCtr.Net> ]======================+
 | Network Statistics Engineer, NSM/Net-Eng      /~ |2 () |\| ~|~ | @ |2   |
 | VOX: +1(408)543-4828  Fax: +1(408)543-4806  _/~ G L & B A L C E N T E R |
 +===============[ 141 Caspian Court, Sunnyvale, CA  94089 ]===============*/

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