ICANN Draws Fire Over Proposed Charges

Dean Robb pceasy at norfolk.infi.net
Thu Jul 8 09:25:41 UTC 1999

At 11:53 AM 7/5/99 -0700, Patrick Greenwell wrote:
>Certainly. First, operation of the "A" root server is going to be turned
>over at the direction of the Department of Commerce. Second, at present
>one or more root server operators is refusing to sign a contract with
>ICANN. Third, it is my understanding that the current "l.root-server.net"
>server is(was?) being designated as the new authoratative "A"
>server(corrections welcome.)

Is this the research contract with ICANN and half the acronyms in the USG,
or is this a root-server/ICANN contract?  I hadn't heard about one between
the ops and ICANN - and I can certainly understand not wanting to get into
a three-way (or more-way).

"Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of ICANN?"

Dean Robb
Owner, PC-EASY 
(757) 495-EASY [3279]
On-site computer repairs, upgrades and consultations
Lead SimOps columnist/reviewer on http://WWW.TheGamers.Net

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