NOC listing

Diana Welborn diwelbor at
Fri Jul 2 04:01:46 UTC 1999

A couple of months ago (like, probably January or February), someone
posted a hyperlink to a list of all the NOCs in the country.

I've since changed places of employment and I cannot find that list.

Does anyone have it and are you willing to part with the knowledge?


Diana Welborn
diwelbor at
Customer Network Operations Center Engineer
Alcatel USA CNOC

1000 Coit Road             Phone - 972-477-7229
MS 593                     Fax - 972-519-7550
Plano, TX  75075           Pager - 800-759-8888 PIN 1453528 or,1

A wise man named Tom Zabel once reminded me:

Standard Disclaimer:  Hear me now and hear me well - I do not speak for
                      Alcatel.  But that is OK you see -  for Alcatel
                      does not speak for me.

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