Incompetance abounds at the InterNIC

Edward S. Marshall emarshal at
Tue Jan 19 05:22:53 UTC 1999

On Mon, 18 Jan 1999, Daniel Senie wrote:
> Actually, at this point I'd be happy to supply a credit card or a funded
> InterNIC account number along with applications. Money up front may well
> be the only way to clobber speculators.

Hammer. Nail. Head. >BANG<

Attack the root of the problem: people have made a market of domain
speculation. Raise the stakes for them, and you'll find that they'll be
more inclined to make a living some other way. The current model costs
them absolutely -nothing-, a zero-cost marketplace for speculators.

I have -no- problem with a "payment up front" requirement. I'd hope that
anyone serious about doing real domain management would be willing to pay
in advance.

Edward S. Marshall <emarshal at>       [ What goes up, must come down. ]               [ Ask any system administrator. ]

  Linux labyrinth 2.2.0-pre7-ac6 #2 Sun Jan 17 14:41:45 CST 1999 i586 unknown
        11:15pm up 1 day, 7:50, 4 users, load average: 0.03, 0.02, 0.00

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