Y2k silly season

David Lesher wb8foz at nrk.com
Fri Dec 24 13:00:16 UTC 1999

Unnamed Administration sources reported that Hank Nussbacher said:
> The phone companies won't admit it but they are scared that at 1 second
> past midnight, everyone will say to themselves, "Hmmm, lights are still on,
> I wonder if the phones have stopped working?" and then within 1 minute,
> millions of people will be lifting their phones off the hooks to check
> dial-tone.  You know what happens when that happens. :-)

Not much. The switches are VERY well designed and tested; Gatesware
should dream of doing as well.

See the discussion w/ folks who run same in comp.dcom.telecom.tech..

Rather than crashing; they protect themselves by suspending
non-essential dianostics & maintenance, then delaying/denying dial
tone to callers as needed. While lots of folks may be annoyed, I
doubt switches will croak.

A host is a host from coast to coast.................wb8foz at nrk.com
& no one will talk to a host that's close........[v].(301) 56-LINUX
Unless the host (that isn't close).........................pob 1433
is busy, hung or dead....................................20915-1433

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