Is the .to (Tonga) domain completely rogue and should be removed?

Barry Shein bzs at
Wed Sep 30 21:16:50 UTC 1998

On September 30, 1998 at 14:40 jshaw at (Joe Shaw) wrote:
 > All that proves is someone has a sense of humor.  I've seen plenty of
 > sites with these types of greetings, and they aren't hard to setup.  I had
 > a friend who setup his SMTP server to say:

No I think it indicates that a bunch of clowns have taken over what
advertises itself as the official US office of the Consulate of the
Kingdom of Tonga. As I said, also take a look at the web page on that
site and tell me what it has to do with the Consulate of the Kingdom
of Tonga.

Alone it would mean little.

But as part of the whole picture, that Tonga's domain seems to be used
as nothing but a "safe harbor" for porn sites engaged in criminal
activity and even their own supposed govt consulate comes up as an ad
for a software company etc, it would seem to indicate that this
domain, .to, is not being used as a legitimate country TLD, is not
being managed by the people it was assigned to for the purpose it was
assigned, etc.

        -Barry Shein

Software Tool & Die    | bzs at          |
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