Strange BGP announcement.

Scott Gifford sgifford at
Mon Nov 9 06:48:27 UTC 1998

> > > Bays don't crash (at least not in the general case ... for example,
> > > mine stayed up this time and the last time this happened), but they do
> > > send a NOTIFY and bring down the BGP session, as required by the RFC. 
> > > (I believe gated does this also.)

  In case any Bay Networks users didn't already know this, reasonably new 
version of the system software have a switch to turn off this behavior:

1:TN]$g wfBgpPeerEntry.41.*
wfBgpPeerEntry.wfBgpPeerASLoopDetect. = 2
wfBgpPeerEntry.wfBgpPeerASLoopDetect. = 1
wfBgpPeerEntry.wfBgpPeerASLoopDetect. = 1
wfBgpPeerEntry.wfBgpPeerASLoopDetect. = 2
wfBgpPeerEntry.wfBgpPeerASLoopDetect. = 2

[1:TN]$set wfBgpPeerEntry.wfBgpPeerASLoopDetect. 2
                          (41)                  (interface)

  Set this flag to '2' for each interface to keep your router from tearing
down BGP sessions when it finds a loop.  Don't forget to commit 
afterwards, and then to do a "save config config" so it will take after 
you reboot.  

  This has saved our butts several times. 


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