More smurf networks. FIX YOUR ROUTERS.

James Rishaw jamie at
Fri May 29 15:24:03 UTC 1998

If you took the time to write the script to find out if these people
have vulnerable networks, you surely can write something to do whois

I cant stand when people bitch about something, but do nothing about it.

Posting this on nanog is going to do little.. we can "ass-u-me" that most
people on here are quarter-clued-enough to no ip directed already.

Dalvenjah FoxFire wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Then I found this list, full of 175 different networks. Nearly all the
> ones I tried work, and the ones that didn't work didn't respond on other
> IPs either, so I'm assuming unreachability. This is a fresh list from
> an active smurfer, however, so it does work. (Boy, does it work. }:P )

jamie rishaw (dal/efnet:gavroche)           American Information Systems, Inc.
     rdm: "Religion is obsolete."   gsr: "By what?"  jgr: "Solaris." (1996)
                    Tel:312.425.7140, FAX:312.425.7240

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